You should first review the FAQ available on the OIT Rutgers Connect Site

How secure is the new system?

Microsoft has guaranteed that all data will be transmitted securely between our systems and theirs as well as between its own data centers.   It is also encrypted at rest on Microsoft’s storage. All information is stored in the United States and in compliance with federal information protection and security standards including HIPAA and FISMA. Users who deal with Protected Health Information (PHI) will have additional protections enabled on their accounts to ensure that data sent from the system is only transferred to systems with protections required for PHI.

How private is the data in the new account?

The Rutgers policy on data privacy have not changed.  Data stored in the Rutgers Connect account is protected by policy and with technological safeguards.  The Rutgers Computing Policies and Guidelines contain detailed protections regarding the use of the systems and access to data by both users and system administrators.

Are we required to use the new system?

The President has mandated that faculty and staff use Rutgers Connect for all Rutgers business. Automatic forwarding out of the system will not be permitted (manual forwarding of individual messages will work as always) and all official communications will be addressed to accounts in Rutgers Connect. 

Can I use ScarletMail?

The President has mandated that all faculty and staff be on one system and that system is Rutgers Connect.  No automatic forwarding from Rutgers Connect will be possible and this includes forwarding to ScarletMail (manual forwarding of individual messages will work as always).  While users will maintain their accounts in ScarletApps so they can continue to use the other features of that platform, all Rutgers business should be conducted through Rutgers Connect.

I have more than one account so, if only one account is being migrated, what will happen to the others?

Only one account is being migrated by the vendor we've hired to help with this process and that's what we're calling your primary account.  All other accounts that are on Rutgers systems are called secondary accounts and the RUMigrated tool will allow you to both specify a primary and provide details on your secondary accounts.  The vendor, in cooperation with OIT and SAS IT, will migrate the data from your primary account and SAS IT staff will help you migrate the data from any secondary accounts.  If you're using an account on an external system for Rutgers business (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, etc) we will help you with that migration as well.  If an external account is your "primary" account then you can either choose some other Rutgers account as your primary or select the option that says you don't want your mail migrated by OIT.  SAS IT staff will assist you with that migration.

Do I have to use Outlook or can I continue to use my existing e-mail client?

Rutgers Connect supports many methods of reading e-mail so users can continue to use their existing clients.  We do suggest that users become faimilar with the webmail client because that is the easiest way to access your mail from alternate locations and serves as a backup if there are problems with your client. For those running on Windows or Mac, Outlook is the best choice to take advantage of all of the features available in Rutgers Connect.  For users who don't wish to use Outlook or can't because they're running Linux, any IMAP compliant mail client should work with Rutgers Connect.

How can I access the calendar if I'm not using Outlook?

If your system doesn't run Outlook we suggest using the web client to access e-mail.  This is similar to the web client that most people use to access other calendars like Google Calendar.  If you're on a Mac you can also use the iCal software that is bundled with your system.

If only active faculty and staff will be on Rutgers Connect, what system will students and retirees use?

Anyone without an active employee role and is entitled to a Rutgers e-mail account will be setup in, or moved to, ScarletMail unless their department asserts that they have some other active role and sponsors them for Rutgers Connect access.  During the second phase of the migration process (Account Cleanup, Shared/Task account review and ScarletMail migration) departments will be consulted to determine which accounts should be dropped, migrated to ScarletMail or migrated to Rutgers Connect.  After data has moved, an alias will be created so mail sent to the departmental account will be delivered to the users ScarletMail account.

Will there be training?

Yes.  There wil be both online and group training provided.  The vendor that was hired to help with the migration will be providing training materials with supplemental materials being provided by OIT and SAS IT.  More information on training will be provided as we approach the date of transition.

There's no place to enter information about our shared/task/become accounts.  How are those being handled?

During phase two of the migration process, SAS IT staff will work with each area to review their existing shared, task and/or become accounts.  We will review each account and determine whether the account is still needed and confirm who should have permission on the account.  At that time we will also determine if the account will be migrated by the vendor or if SAS IT staff will assist you with migrating the existing data to the new system.

How will mailing lists be handled in the new system?

If you setup any mailing lists in your existing software, you will have to move them to the new system manually.  This is one of the reasons that we are leaving the old mail servers online after people are migrated.  Centrally and school maintained systems like, and will continue to function as they have.  We may look at moving these functions into Rutgers Connect in the future but we have no plans to do so during the upcoming migration process. The only change that will occur in these systems relates to the e-mail addresses on the internal Rutgers lists.  Lists that e-mail internal communities like all faculty, all staff, etc, will be updated to ensure that messages are delivered to Rutgers Connect.  For users who are already using Rutgers e-mail addresses, things will remain unchanged.  Users who have external addresses listed in the mailing lists (like Gmail) will have those addresses changed to their new Rutgers Connect address.