Research and High Performance Computing
Can I run my own HPC system?
Running your own HPC system isn't recommended. By leveraging the resources on OARC you don't have to pay for infrastructure costs like air conditioning, power and space. Running your own system not only requires additional financial investments but limits the range of support available for your system. Unless there is a specific function that can't be performed by the condo cluster provided by OARC, running a local is discouraged.
What HPC resources are available?
SAS partners with the Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC) to provide HPC resources. The Amarel HPC cluster operates under a condo model where compute servers can be purchased and will leverage the existing networking and storage infrastructure maintained by OARC. Membership in this condo cluster is much cheaper than maintaining your own system and provides access to free cycles that aren't being used by other condo participants as well as access to the support personnel and staff scientists in OARC.
What support is available for HPC?
SAS has an HPC specialist that is assigned to work as part of the team in OARC to provide additional support to SAS researchers. This is in addition to the support that is provided when joining the condo cluster.
Where can I get more information on HPC?
Information on the Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC) can be found on their website [add link]. SAS specific information can be requested by submitting a REQUEST.