
There is now an easier way to upload YouTube videos and thumbnails onto your Joomla site!  Please note, this will not work with Kaltura Videos

Recommended: Your video should be uploaded to the Rutgers YouTube Channel before proceeding.

 Also review more details about videos with SAS: https://sasit.rutgers.edu/how-to-guides/web-development-documentation/web-development/116-joomla-3-x/video/699-video-hosting-options-at-rutgers


  1. In the file upload menu of Ignite Gallery now there is a field to upload a YouTube/Vimeo URL instead of uploading a file directly.Once you have typed in your URL press the submit button.
    ignite video upload2
  2. After pressing the submit button, you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and see your video uploaded into Ignite Gallery.
    Ignite Gallery: video upload
  3. You can click on the title of the new entry to make edits from here. You will see that Joomla automatically selects the thumbnail from the YouTube video. If you would like to change the thumbnail you can upload your own image. You can change how the image is cropped among other things.
    Editing video properties in Ignite Gallery

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