To manually re-order articles:

  1. Filter for the category of articles to be reordered:
    1. Go to Content -> Articles and click the Search Tools button.
    2. In the "Select Category" dropdown that appears, select the name of the category of articles that need sorting. 
  2. To the upper right, find the filter that displays the number of articles (found below the Options button; see below) and change it from "20" to "All":

    Article number filter
  3. At the top of the leftmost column, there is an icon that looks like up/down arrowheads. Hover over it and you'll see this text:  
              Select to sort by this column
  4. Notice that below it is a column full of icons that look like three, light gray stacked boxes.
  5. Click the double arrow icon at top of column and the stacked boxes should turn black indicating sorting is active.
  6. Drag each stack of boxes (which correspond to individual articles) up or down so that the corresponding articles are in the correct order.
  7. After doing this, you will need to refresh the front-end of the website in your browser to see the change.

Reordering articles