• How to video:

This procedure describes how to add images to Media on Joomla! 3.x web sites.

  1. Login to your web site using the Administrator Interface.
  2. In the Joomla! Administrator , click on Media to the left (found under CONTENT; see #1 below).  If you are not at the Control Panel, you can select Media from the center console  menu (see #2 below):
    Screen Shot 2023 02 28 at 3.57.25 PM
  3. Click on the folder where you want to add the image.  You can either select from the small folder icons on the left (see #1 below), or the larger folder icons to the right (see #2 below):Media Folder Selection
  4. Once you have selected the folder where you want to upload the image, click the Upload button to the upper left: "Upload" button
  5. Use the File Upload window to browse to your image file.  When you find the image, click once on the image, then click Open:Media: File upload dialog box 
  6. If the upload was successful, you will see the message Item Uploaded above the gallery of images, and your image should now appear in the gallery:Media: "Item Uploaded" message
  7. You can now insert your image into an article.
  • Video Included: Video Included