• How to video:


It is useful to display right hand menu modules on your site pages. These modules remain visible after a dropdown menu item on the Main Menu is clicked.

Example of a right side menu module that displays the same menu items as a dropdown menu item list from the Main Menu


  1. In the Joomla! control panel (back end), navigate to Extensions > Modules, then click the New button to create a new module:

    Click the New Button to create a new module

  2. For "Select a Module Type," select "Menu"
  3. Enter a title for the module in the "Title" field. For example, if you want to display a menu of the dropdown menu items under "People" on the Main Menu, enter "People" for the title.
  4. Configure Module Options:
    • For "Select Menu," select the menu to be displayed
    • For "Start Level," select "2."  This will display the dropdown menu item list corresponding to the menu assignment (selected later in this procedure)
    • For "Show Title," click Show
    • For "Position," select "sidebar-b" (this is the right side of the web page)
    Configure Module Options
  5. Click the "Menu Assignment" tab:
    "Menu Assignment" tab
  6. Change "Module Assignment" to "Only on the pages selected"
  7. For "Menu Selection," click the "None" link shown after "Select: All,"
  8. Select the menu items corresponding to the dropdown menu item list where this module should be displayed.  For example, if you are creating a menu module for the "People" dropdown list, check off the menu items under "People:"
    Selecting the menu items under "People" on the "Menu Assignment" tab
  • Video Included: Video Included