Menu Item

To reorder DOCman documents displayed by a menu item:

  1. Log into the back-end Administrator interface.
  2. Go to Menus.
  3. Click the name of the menu containing the menu item that links to DOCman.
  4. Open the menu item that matches the page to be edited.  This should be similar to the name of item in the horizontal navigation bar.
  5. Click the DOCman tab (see #1 below).
  6. In the "Sort documents by" dropdown, choose method to sort documents.(see #2 below).
  7. Click Save & Close (see #3 below).

Select sort criteria for DOCman menu item


To reorder DOCman documents displayed by a module:

  1. Log into the back-end Administrator interface.
  2. Go to Extension -> Modules.
  3. Click Search Tools.
  4. In the Select Type dropdown, choose "DocMan - Documents". 
  5. Click the title of the module to be adjusted.
  6. The screen that shows should have an "Order by" field (see #1 below).
  7. Select a new ordering option.  "Ordering" is the order they appear in the DocMan component which is the same place you upload files and create DocMan documents (see #2 below).
  8. Click Save & Close (see #3 below).

Select sort criteria for DOCman module

If you cannot find the Menu Item or Module, submit an SASIT REQUEST.