This feature requires an up-to-date version of the JEvents plugin "JEvents - File and Image uploads for Event Descriptions". If you find that you cannot add an image to your event, please SUBMIT REQUEST to request us to install or update this JEvents plugin for your website.
- Click on "Components > JEvents:
- At the JEvents Dashboard, hover the mouse over the left sidebar (or top menu, if the left sidebar does not appear), then select Manage Events.
.- JEvents left sidebar (larger browser sizes):
- Top menu (smaller browser sizes):
- JEvents left sidebar (larger browser sizes):
- Either click the title of an existing event to add or Add a New Event.
- If the event you're looking for doesn't appear, click SEARCH (see #1 below), then change " - Hide Past Events - " to "Show Past Events" (see #2 below):
- Scroll to the bottom of the Create an Event page (or Edit Event page, if you are editing an existing event)
- Under “Upload Image,” click Choose File (see #1 below)
- Browse to the image location on your computer and click "Open" (or "Select" or "Upload", depending on your browser and version).
- Under “Image Title,” enter a title for your image (see #2 below)
- Scroll back to the top of the page, then enter the remaining details for your event on the COMMON and CALENDAR tabs.
- When done, click SAVE & CLOSE.
- You can now view the event with the image on the front-end.