Math Department E-mail Migration Scheduled - Moving to Scarlet Mail


We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process in Math. We have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.

The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.

Please check your information using this link:

If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.

If there are problems you must let us know no later than July 21st.  You can contact us at .

Moving to Scarlet Mail

Since you no longer hold an active faculty or staff role in the Math Department, your mail will be migrated to Scarlet Mail. Scarlet Mail is essentially Gmail but specially setup for use by Rutgers. Once the switch has taken place mail sent to your Math e-mail address will be delivered to your Scarlet Mail account. You can then decide whether you'd like to forward that mail somewhere else or read and send mail from Scarlet Mail. If you believe that you should be moving to Rutgers Connect instead, please let us know. 

Since the migration vendor cannot migrate mail to ScarletMail, SAS IT staff will assist you with this migration. If you don't already have a Scarlet Mail account you can create one using the instructions at the end of this message. If you're not sure, you can try logging in using this link:

The tentative date for the cutover of the Math server is July 28th. If your Scarlet Mail account is not functioning by the cutover date, your mail messages will not be delivered so it is critical make sure this account is setup. Once you've confirmed that your Scarlet Mail account is working, please send an email to letting us know so we can schedule your move. We can move users to Scarlet Mail almost immediately and do not have to wait for Rutgers Connect.

We expect that the migration will proceed smoothly as this has been the case in the other areas that have already migrated. If anyone does experience problems, IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those not on campus.

More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications.

Thank you
- Tom

Creating a Scarlet Mail Account

If you don't already have a Scarlet Mail account, you can create one using the following procedure:

Please visit the following link:

After you login, you'll be asked to choose among several options. You should check the box next to: ScarletApps, including ScarletMail Google for Rutgers and then click Activate Services. Your email address on ScarletMail will be your . So a user with NetID mathuser would login to gmail with . You login to your new account using the following link:

If you have any problems or questions please contact us at .

Thomas J. Vosseler
Executive Director of Information Technology
School of Arts and Sciences Rutgers
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Scott Hall 226A | 43 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901