Wednesday, 2/1/2017 - SAS Group 2 Department Email Migration Scheduled
Note: You may receive multiple copies of this message because we are sending it to every e-mail address we have on file for every user to make sure everyone receives the message.
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for the second group of users in the School of Arts and Sciences which includes the following departments:
Women's & Gender Studies
Women's Global Center
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Language Center
Criminal Justice
Inst of Research on Women
Latino and Caribbean Studies
African Studies Center
Africana Studies
We have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a REQUEST.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.
If there are problems you must let us know no later than end of business on February 8th. You can contact us at .
Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.
The actual cutover to the new mail system is tentatively scheduled for February 21st. Prior to the 21st, all of the existing mail will be copied from your existing mailbox to your new Rutgers Connect mailbox. On the 21st, new mail will begin arrive in the new system and another sync will occur to catch any messages that were missed between the first copy and the cutover. IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications.
Thank you.
- Tom
Thomas J. Vosseler
Executive Director of Information Technology
School of Arts and Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Scott Hall 226A | 43 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901