Email accounts for users in Migration Group 8 have now been created in Rutgers Connect so it's time for everyone to make sure they can login.
Please test logging in to Rutgers Connect using the following page:
Your username will your Your_NetID@Your_Domain. This may differ from your e-mail address so be careful to use Your_NetID@Your_Domain.
Your_Domain will be one of the following:
AMESALL (amesall.rutgers.edu)
American Studies (amerstudies.rutgers.edu)
Cognitive Sciences (ruccs.rutgers.edu)
Comparative Literature (complit.rutgers.edu)
Jewish Studies (jewishstudies.rutgers.edu)
Kinesiology & Health (kines.rutgers.edu)
Philosophy (philosophy.rutgers.edu)
Spanish and Portuguese (spanport.rutgers.edu)
Thomas Edison Papers (taep.rutgers.edu)
CCA (cca.rutgers.edu)
So, for example, user Jane Smith in AMESALL who has NetID js123 would login with . If you are unsure of what your domain should be, please SUBMIT A REQUEST and someone will assist you.
Your password will be your NetID password.
The first time you login you will be asked to choose your default Time Zone. Please do so.
If you are unable to login please email or submit a REQUEST.
Checking to make sure your login works now will allow us to resolve any issues in advance of the cutover and will allow us to solve other issues more quickly on 7/10.
If you would like to test mobile access you can also configure your phone using the documentation here:
If you choose to test mobile access be aware that you will be required to agree to a mobile management policy. This policy is required for all users of Rutgers Connect and has only two requirements. The first is that your phone must have some type of lock, whether that be a PIN, swipe, fingerprint, etc. Second, is the ability for Rutgers Connect to remote wipe your device. A remote wipe on the device will only be performed on user request.
Depending on the phone, operating system and vendor, you may have to install an app on your phone to allow the mobile management policy to work. When installing this app, it will list everything that the app is able to do, not what Rutgers Connect is configured to do. Regardless of what the app says, only the two policies above will be active.
If you do not wish to agree to a mobile management policy on your device, you can use Rutgers Connect using your devices web browser. The system has a very capable mobile management interface.
Please do not do anything else in the new account at this time. The accounts are not set to receive mail so you cannot test them beyond making sure you can login.
We have begun copying mail so please don't make any changes to your existing mailbox folder names or structure from this point forward. You can continue to file, delete and send messages as you always have until the actual cutover.
The actual cutover will take place on 7/10. When you check your mail on 7/10, you'll need to either login using the method specified above or reconfigure your mail client using the instructions that can be found here:
IT staff will be available both locally and remotely to assist users with any issues that might arise. Administrative staff Windows workstations that use Novell will have an icon that will reconfigure the system for you.
Once the cutover takes place, the ability to send and receive messages on the old mail server will be disabled. The mail server will remain online so you can view the mail that is there.
If you are unable to attend the training that has been announced you can also view the online training materials using the following links:
Overall - https://rutgers.cpxportal.com/
Mail - http://rutgers.cpxportal.com/courses/mail/
Calendaring - http://rutgers.cpxportal.com/courses/calendar/
- Tom