Site Map
Main Menu
- Services
- Central Systems Support
- Consulting and Advising
- Desktop and Mobile Systems Support
- File and Print Services
- Instructional Support
- Networking Support
- Policies and Practices
- Research and High Performance Computing
- Security
- Software and Application Development
- Web Development and Support
- Training & Support
- How to Guides
- Central Systems
- Rutgers Connect
- Servers and Storage
- Rutgers Connect Help & Resources
- Email Accounts
- Email Client Configuration
- Vacation Message in Email
- Departmental E-mail Settings
- NotifySync for Blackberry Users
- How to Clean Up Mailbox
- How to Set Up Filters
- Sending mail using an alternate address
- Cyber Security
- Configuring SendAs on a Mobile Device
- Address Limitations in Rutgers Connect
- New Employee Setup
- Setup Text Alert When Mail is Received from Specified Senders
- Setup Power Automate Alert when Mail is Received from Specified Senders
- Email Accounts
- Rutgers Guest Accounts
- How to change NetID password
- Creating Your NetID
- SAS Administrative Mailing Lists
- Sign up for WebEx
- Equipment SignOut for SAS IT
- Creating a QR Code
- Consulting and Advising Services
- Desktop and Mobile Systems Support
- File and Print Services
- Docusign
- Docusign Documentation Details
- Learning Management Systems & Services
- Useful Links for Canvas and Sakai
- Akindi Test Scoring System for Canvas
- Networking Support
- Research and High Performance Computing
- Security
- Software and Application Development
- SAS Applications
- SAS-Invite System
- PubMed Parser
- Course Catalog System
- Insight
- Graduate Tracking System
- Faculty Compensation Review
- ESL/ITA Tracking System
- Honors Course Registration
- MyMajor
- Undergraduate Database
- Re-Enrollment Application Database
- My Advisor
- Academic Rank
- Honors Seminar Proposal
- Senior Review
- Graduation Awards
- Dean's List Letter
- RU Graduating?
- PTL/COAD Appointment System
- Scanned Document Retrieval
- RU Scheduler
- Mellon Fellowship
- Promotion Packet Repository
- TA/GA Appointment System
- Hiring Proposal System
- SAS Excellence Award Program
- Dismissal Form
- Honors Faculty Mentors
- Passport Event Registration System
- Honors Capstone
- Invite System
- Student Computing Fund Proposal
- Aastra Data Collection
- NTT Appointment System
- Academic Standing
- Academic Planning and Advising Day Registration
- Box Request System
- Celebration Registration
- Email Signature
- Honors Program Application for Continuing Students
- News Manager
- NTT Hiring Proposal
- Live Chat
- Policy and Practice Library
- Postdoc Appointment System
- RU Walking
- Sign Out
- Purchase Approval
- Special Permission Number
- Video Vault
- Voting System
- Employee Lifecycle Management System (ELMS) - Onboarding Portal
- Course Release Data Entry
- Committee Nominations
- Instructional Application Development
- Why am I unable to log into an application written by SAS?
- Scanned Document Software Documentation
- Simple Listserv Documentation
- SAS Election Software
- SAS Applications
- Software and Application Development - Guides
- SAS Web Applications - Guides
- Accounts & Passwords Guides
- Video Conferencing Support
- WebEx
- Microsoft Teams
- Creating a Team
- How to Schedule Live Meetings and Send Invitations
- Getting Started with Live Events
- Instructions on Integrating WebEx
- Instructions on Integrating Zoom
- Adding the Whiteboard Application (no Mac OS version)
- Sharing Content Within a Video Meeting
- How To Schedule A Meeting Within a Team
- How to Join a Meeting with no Teams Account
- Private Video Meeting within Teams
- Launching a Video Meeting Within a Team
- Instructions for Adding Guests and Their Limitations
- LinkedIn Learning Training Courses
- Create a Channel Within a Team
- Canvas Overview
- Adding Members to a Team
- Understanding Different Types of Teams
- Delegated Admin Information
- Microsoft Teams
- Editing Teams Video Recordings
- Zoom
- Zoom
- Zoom Signup and Web Login
- Zoom Guides
- Closed Captioning Transcripts of Recorded Zoom Meetings
- Scheduling Zoom Meetings in Rutgers Connect
- Scheduling Zoom Meetings in Microsoft Office 365 Outlook - Windows
- Scheduling Zoom Meetings in Mac Outlook
- Granting a User Access to Schedule Meetings on Your Behalf
- Schedule Zoom Meetings as Someone Else in Rutgers Connect
- Schedule Zoom Meetings as Someone Else in Mac Outlook
- Schedule Zoom Meetings as Someone Else in Office 365
- Zoom Security Tips
- Zoom Breakout Rooms
- Creating a Poll in Zoom
- Sharing Virtual Whiteboards through Zoom
- Sharing Screen Content through Zoom
- Sharing Audio or Video Content through Zoom
- Zoom Access Controls
- Logging into a Rutgers Zoom Meeting that Requires Authentication
- Zoom
- Web Development
- Ignite Gallery
- Ignite Gallery Overview
- Ignite Gallery Overview (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating Categories in Ignite Gallery
- Creating Categories in Ignite Gallery (Joomla! 4/5)
- Uploading Images
- Uploading Images (Joomla! 5)
- Uploading Images (Joomla! 4)
- Editing Image Details
- Editing Image Details (Joomla! 4/5)
- Displaying Galleries with Menu Items
- Displaying Galleries with Menu Items (Joomla! 4/5)
- Displaying Galleries within Articles
- Displaying Galleries within Articles (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating Profiles in Ignite Gallery
- Creating Profiles in Ignite Gallery (Joomla! 5)
- Creating Profiles in Ignite Gallery (Joomla! 4)
- Adding Videos to Ignite Gallery (Kaltura)
- Adding Videos to Ignite Gallery - Youtube/Vimeo (Joomla! 4/5)
- Adding Videos to Ignite Gallery - Youtube/Vimeo
- Managing Galleries from the Front End
- Managing Galleries from the Front End (Joomla! 4/5)
- Web Development
- Joomla!
- Accessibility
- AcyMailing
- Administration
- Articles
- Basic Editing (back-end) (Joomla! 4/5)
- Changing an Article's Category (Joomla! back-end) (Joomla! 4/5)
- Basic Editing (front-end) (Joomla! 4/5)
- Copying and Pasting Text from MS Word (Joomla! 4/5)
- Copying and Pasting from Excel to a Joomla Article (Joomla! 4/5)
- Copying an Existing Article (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating an Article (Joomla! front-end) (Joomla! 4/5)
- Finding an Article (Joomla! 4/5)
- Re-ordering Articles (Joomla! 4/5)
- Hiding a Page Title (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating a Category (Joomla! back-end) (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating an Article (Joomla! back-end) (Joomla! 4/5)
- Styling Text and Paragraphs (Joomla! 4/5)
- Sliders within articles (Joomla!4)
- Sliders within articles (Tabs and Sliders) (Joomla! 5)
- Article Versions (Joomla! 4/5)
- Sliders within articles (Tabs and Sliders) (Joomla! 4)
- Spacing Between Lines (Joomla! 4/5)
- Tables: Creating and Modifying (Joomla! 4/5)
- Lists: Creating and Formatting Lists (Joomla! 4/5)
- Adding Read More (to show Intro Text in Category Blog) (Joomla! 4/5)
- Finding an Article from Main Menu (Joomla! back-end)
- Finding an Article from Main Menu (Joomla! back-end) (Joomla4)
- Checking responsiveness (mobile friendliness) of content
- Removing Text Formatting (Joomla! 4/5)
- Custom Fields
- Images (in Joomla!)
- Links
- Creating Anchor Links (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating Anchor Links (Joomla! 3.x)
- Creating Anchor Links (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating Links in Articles (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating a Button Link (Joomla! 4/5)
- Using Joomla's Web Links Component (Joomla! 4)
- Link to Files on Box and Display in Popup
- Link to Files on Box and Display in Popup (Joomla! 4)
- Menus
- Configure Menu Item to Display Articles in Article Order (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating a Menu Item that links to a Category Blog (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating a Menu Item that links to a Category List (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating a Menu Item that links to a Single Article (Joomla! 4/5)
- Moving a Menu Item (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating a Menu Item that links to a Category List
- Adding Menu Modules (Joomla! 4/5)
- Unpublishing a Menu Item (Joomla! 4/5)
- Deleting a Menu Item (Joomla! 4/5)
- Modules (Standard Joomla)
- Adding a Custom Module (Joomla! 4/5)
- Assigning a Module to one or more menu items (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating an "Articles - Category" module to display a Category List (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating an "Articles - Newsflash" module to display content (Joomla! 4)
- Editing a Custom Module (Joomla! 4/5)
- Overview: What is a Module? (Joomla! 4/5)
- Placing a Module within Content (Joomla! 4)
- Random Image Module (Joomla! 4)
- Creating an "Articles - Newsflash" module to display content (Joomla! 5)
- Module Positions (Joomla! 4/5)
- Placing a Module within Content (Joomla! 5)
- Random Image Module (Joomla! 5)
- Embedding a Map (Joomla! 4/5)
- Embedding a Map
- PDFs and Files in Joomla
- Linking text to a file already uploaded to Media (Joomla! 4/5)
- Uploading and linking to PDF files using JCE Editor (Joomla! 4/5)
- Uploading and linking to files within articles using JCE Editor PRO (Joomla! 4/5)
- Overview: Where does Joomla store files? (Joomla! 4/5)
- Uploading a file using JCE File Browser (Joomla! 4)
- Uploading a file using JCE File Browser (Joomla! 5)
- Popups
- Video - General Options
- Displaying a Video Within an Article or Module (Joomla! 4)
- Add Multiple Videos to your Home Page (2)
- Video Hosting Options at Rutgers (Joomla! 4/5)
- Embed Video from Kaltura
- Add Multiple Videos to your Home Page
- Video Hosting Options at Rutgers
- Create a Branded YouTube Channel and Videos (Joomla! 4/5)
- Create a Branded YouTube Channel and Videos
- Displaying a Video Within an Article or Module (Joomla! 5)
- Workshop Documents
- Edit Content on Website
- Dynamic Contact Module
- Edit Courses - Front End
- Edit Courses - Back End
- Edit People - Front End
- Edit People - Back End
- Edit News - Front End
- Edit News - Back End
- Edit Advising Page - Front End (Joomla! 4/5)
- Edit Courses - Back End (Joomla! 4/5)
- Edit Courses - Front End (Joomla! 4/5)
- Edit News - Back End (Joomla! 4/5)
- Edit News - Front End (Joomla! 4/5)
- Edit People - Back End (Joomla! 4/5)
- Edit People - Front End (Joomla! 4/5)
- SAS New Website
- Video - Kaltura
- Extensions (Modules, Plugins & Components)
- Community Builder
- DOCMan
- Uploading and Publishing Documents using DOCman (Joomla! 4/5)
- Uploading Multiple Files using DocMan (Joomla! 4/5)
- Creating and Using Categories in DocMan (Joomla! 4/5)
- Linking to DocMan Documents (Joomla! 4/5)
- Linking to DocMan Documents (Joomla! 3.x)
- Updating DOCman Documents with New Files (Joomla! 4)
- Updating DOCman Documents with New Files (Joomla! 5)
- Changing Ordering Options for DOCman Menu Items and Modules
- Changing Ordering Options for DOCman Menu Items and Modules (Joomla 4)
- Overview: What is DOCMan? (Joomla! 4/5)
- Overview: What is DOCMan?
- Unpublishing and Re-Publishing a Document (Joomla! 4/5)
- Unpublishing and Re-Publishing a Document (joomla 3)
- Creating a "DOCman - Documents" module
- Creating a "DOCman - Documents" module (Joomla! 4/5)
- Listing DOCman Documents within an Article (Joomla! 4/5)
- Listing DOCman Documents within an Article
- Events
- JEvents
- Adding an Event (JEvents) (Joomla! 5)
- Adding an Event (JEvents) (Joomla! 4)
- Creating a "JEvents - Latest Events Module"
- Creating a "JEvents - Latest Events Module" (Joomla! 5)
- Creating a "JEvents - Latest Events Module" (Joomla! 4)
- Overview of JEvents
- Overview of JEvents (Joomla! 4/5)
- Managing Event Categories (JEvents)
- Managing Event Categories (JEvents) (Joomla! 5)
- Managing Event Categories (JEvents) (Joomla! 4)
- Embedding a Latest Events Module within an Article (Joomla! 5)
- Embedding a Latest Events Module within an Article
- Embedding a Latest Events Module within an Article (Joomla! 4)
- Creating Menu Items to Display Events from JEvents
- Creating Menu Items to Display Events from JEvents (Joomla! 4/5)
- Removing a Repeating Event (JEvents)
- Removing a Repeating Event (JEvents) (Joomla! 4/5)
- Adding PDFs to events using JEvents file uploader tool
- Adding PDFs to events using JEvents file uploader tool (Joomla! 4/5)
- Adding Images to Events using JEvents File Uploader Tool
- Adding Images to Events using JEvents File Uploader Tool (Joomla! 5)
- Adding Images to Events using JEvents File Uploader Tool (Joomla! 4)
- SAS Events Module
- JEvents
- Forms
- Visforms: Configuring a form to send email (Joomla! 4/5)
- Visforms: Creating a Form (Joomla! 4/5)
- Visforms: Saving and viewing data (Joomla! 4/5)
- Chronoforms: Simple Form Setup
- Chronoforms: Configuring a form to send email
- Chronoforms: Embedding a Form within an Article
- Chronoforms: Adding a CAPTCHA to a Form
- Chronoforms: Saving Data from a Form to a Data Table
- Visforms: Creating a Form
- Visforms: Configuring a form to send email
- Visforms: Saving and viewing data
- Chronoforms: Create a new table for an existing form
- Visforms: Overview (Joomla! 4/5)
- Visforms: Overview
- Visforms: Form Fields (Joomla! 4/5)
- Visforms: Form Fields
- Visforms: Managing Data
- Visforms: Managing Data (Joomla! 4/5)
- Latest News Enhanced
- RU Courses
- Slide Shows
- Smart Slider 2: Updating Sliders
- Smart Slider 2: Creating Sliders (Manual Slider method)
- Smart Slider 2: Adding the "Ken Burns" Effect to a slide
- Smart Slider 2: Unpublishing a slide
- Smart Slider 2: Adding an image to a new slide
- Smart Slider 2: Modifying a slide
- Smart Slider 2: Deleting a slide
- Smart Slider 2: Reordering slides
- Smart Slider 2: Duplicating a Text Layer
- Non-Joomla! Questions
- SAS Website Standards
- How To Pages by Hits
- Training Videos
- Web Development Documentation
- Joomla!
- Joomla! Workshop Documents
- SAS Website - Overview
- Web Training Videos
- Ignite Gallery
- Tags
- How To
- Instructional Support
- Desktop & Mobile Systems Support
- Working Remotely
- Web Conferencing
- Connecting to Campus Resources
- Windows
- Connecting to a Windows Machine from Windows with Remote Desktop
- Connecting to the W: Drive from Home - Windows
- Connecting to the Rutgers VPN with Cisco AnyConnect on Windows
- Installing Cisco AnyConnect VPN on Windows
- Remote Desktop Connection from Windows via Remote Desktop Gateway
- Connecting to the Rutgers VPN from the Windows logon screen (Cisco SBL ‘Start Before Logon’)
- Mac
- Connecting to a Mac Using Apple Remote Desktop
- Connecting to Your Office Mac from Home with Windows
- Connecting to a Windows Machine from a Mac with Remote Desktop
- Connecting to the W: Drive from Home (Mac)
- Connecting to the Rutgers VPN with Cisco AnyConnect on a Mac
- Installing Cisco AnyConnect VPN on a Mac
- Remote Desktop Connection Macs via Remote Desktop Gateway
- Linux
- VPN Instructions
- Windows
- Virtual Computer Labs Access and Info
- Setting up Yubikey for Dual-Factor Authentication
- Change Device for Duo
- Documentation (SAS IT and Data Analytics Staff)
- Inventory
- Timeclocks
- SAS Server Infrastructure Layout
- Network Cable Specifications
- Douglass Campus Information for SAS Technicians
- Douglass Campus Network Information
- Timeclock Documentation
- Gaining Remote Control of PCs and Macs
- Guide to SAS Computing
- How To Connect and Use Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection
- Automated Installer - WebDrive
- Using RUMigrated
- Provisioning a User
- Enrolling New Macs into VMware’s Workspace One
- Voice Services
- Cyber Security
- Working Remotely Resources
- Central Systems
- Information For
- Practices and Guidelines
- News & Updates
- Rutgers Connect Communications Archive
- SAS (Zimbra)
- Rutgers Connect Official Communications
- Initial e-mail from SAS IT
- Initial e-mail requesting that users visit the RUMigrated tool
- Math Department E-mail Migration Scheduled - Moving to Rutgers Connect
- Math Department E-mail Migration Scheduled - Moving to Scarlet Mail
- Rutgers Connect Math Migration Update
- CRITICAL: Math users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
- CRITICAL: Math Cutover Complete
- User Verification Stage Complete
- CRITICAL: Physics Department Email Migration Scheduled
- CRITICAL: Physics users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
- CRITICAL: Mail Cutover Tomorrow Morning 8/17
- Migration of SAS Accounts into Rutgers Connect
- CRITICAL: SAS Dean's Office Department Email Migration Scheduled
- Email Migration Notice
- CRITICAL: SAS Group 2 Department Email Migration Scheduled
- CRITICAL: SAS Group 2 users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
- CRITICAL: SAS Group 3 Department Email Migration Scheduled
- CRITICAL: Group 4 Department Email Migration Scheduled
- CRITICAL: Group 5 Department Email Migration Scheduled
- UPDATE: Group 6 Email Migration
- CRITICAL: Group 6 Department Email Migration Scheduled
- CRITICAL: Group 7 Department Email Migration Scheduled
- CRITICAL: Group 7 users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
- CRITICAL: Group 8 Department Email Migration Scheduled
- CRITICAL: Group 8 users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
- CRITICAL: Chemistry Department Email Migration Scheduled
- CRITICAL: (Chemistry Department) Please test your login to Rutgers Connect
- CRITICAL: DLS Department Email Migration
- CRITICAL: DLS users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
- CRITICAL: Group 11 Department Email Migration Scheduled
- Web Site Maintenance
- Latest News
- Student Opportunities
- SAS IT Invite System
- Hill Center machine room maintenance
- Email Migration Notice
- WiFi Vulnerability
- Warn others of phishing scams with the Phish Bowl
- University-operated print services temporarily unavailable
- Print Services Update
- macOS updates
- Rutgers Connect Communications Archive
- Contact
- Detail
- Administration
- Application Developers
- Unit Computing Staff
- Bandu, Jay
- Bochkay, Richard
- Camilo, Radhames
- Cha, Daniel
- Defeo, Steve
- Feldman, Steve
- Harewood, Shan
- Karwatt, Timothy
- Kobrzynski, Dayna
- Lokuta, Louis
- Mejia, Nadya
- Nunez, Johnny
- Nuzzolo, Peter
- Olsson, Wade
- Perry, Benjamin
- Phillip, Nigel
- Sadowski, Robert
- Steiner, Matt
- Tuan, James
- Wilcox, Tamela
- Zitelli, Peter
- Lyerly, Christopher
- Mone, William
- Bither, Michael
- Web Developers
- LCSR Staff
- Instructional Application Development Staff
- Data Analysts
- Detail