- How to video:
- Description:
The Insight system was created to provide everyone in the School of Arts and Sciences a portal through which data could be accessed and analyzed. The system will always be a work in progress with many more additional modules planned to continually expand the available capabilities.
This initial release of the software synchronizes data from central systems once per day. Data that isn't available from the central systems will be maintained by the Dean's Office or the departments themselves. The system's ability to allow departments to maintain their own data is a key feature that helps ensure that everyone is working from the same data.
An additional goal of Insight is to minimize the number of places where data will have to be managed. At present, if the Chair of the department changes, that information must be updated manually in several different locations. We are currently connecting the Insight system to the Joomla Content Management System, our Mailman Listserv system and to other software packages within the school. Once these connections are complete, departments will be able to have Insight automatically update their webpage, mailing lists, access permissions and any number of other sources of information by simply changing the information in Insight.
For more information about Insight's capabilities and documentation on the use of the system, see the information below.
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Documentation: Insight Documentation (pdf)
- Department / Unit: SAS Dean's Office, SAS Faculty, SAS Staff
- Application Link