
By default, Joomla! assigns a new module to all pages, which may not always be appropriate.  This procedure explains how to restrict the display of a module to one or more menu items using the Administrator interface.  The module will only appear when the selected menu items are accessed. 

Assigning the Module to specific menu items

  1. In the Joomla! back-end (Control Panel), navigate to Extensions > Site Modules
  2. Click the title of the module
  3. Click the "Menu Assignment" tab
  4. Click the dropdown box to the right of Module Assignment and select "Only on the pages selected" (see #1 below).
  5. For Menu Selection, click None to the right of "Assign to Menu Items" (see #2 below).
  6. Click the check boxes for any menu items that should display the module when clicked (see #3 below).

Assigning module to menu items

Saving the Module

  • To save changes and continue editing the module, click the Save button to the upper left of the web page. 
  • When you are done editing the module, click "Save & Close" to the upper left to save your new module.