Get the public link to the Box file

General:  Be sure there is at least one other co-owner in your unit with full access to the files.

  1. Click the Share button on the right side of the file.
  2. Below Share Link, click the slider button for "Create shared link". Text will change to "Shared link is created" and a URL will appear.
  3. Underneath the URL, change the access from "People in your company" or "Invited people only" to "People with the link". 
  4. If the URL provided will work as it is, click Copy and move on to "Create link to the Box file" section. If a shortened or custom link is preferred, continue with next step in this section.

    box share link setup

  5. [optional]  Click "Link Settings".
  6. [optional] Enter a custom path with no spaces (12-30 characters).
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Copy to copy the URL to the clipboard for the next step.

Link to the Box file

  1. In the Joomla article, select the text or image to be linked and click "Insert/edit link" tool.
  2. Paste into the "URL" text box.
  3. Select "Open in new window" for Target. This is standard for links to content on external websites though not used if the link opens in a popup. (See optional "Set the link to open in a popup window" section.)

    link main

  4. Click Insert.
  5. Save and Close.


Set the link to open in a popup window [optional]

  1. While still in the Insert/Edit link window, click the "Popups" tab.
  2. Select JCE MediaBox Popups in the Popup Type field.
  3. Choose External Links/Iframe in Media Type.
  4. Click Update or Save to save changes, whichever appears. If establishing the link initially,  Save will appear.  If the link is being modified, Update will show as the button text.  Both will save settings.

    link jce popup