CRITICAL: (Chemistry Department) Please test your login to Rutgers Connect
Email accounts for the Chemistry Department have now been created in Rutgers Connect so it's time for everyone to make sure they can login.
Please test logging in to Rutgers Connect using the following page:
CRITICAL: Chemistry Department Email Migration Scheduled
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for Chemistry Department (
We have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
CRITICAL: DLS Department Email Migration
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for users in the Division of Life Sciences.
We have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
CRITICAL: Group 4 Department Email Migration Scheduled
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for the second group of users in the School of Arts and Sciences which includes the English Department and the English Writing Program.
We have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a work order.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.If there are problems you must let us know no later than end of business on April 28th. You can contact us at .
Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.The actual cutover to the new mail system is tentatively scheduled for May 5th. Prior to the May 5th, all of the existing mail will be copied from your existing mailbox to your new Rutgers Connect mailbox. On May 5th new mail will begin arrive in the new system and another sync will occur to catch any messages that were missed between the first copy and the cutover. IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications. -
CRITICAL: Group 5 Department Email Migration Scheduled
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for the second group of users in the School of Arts and Sciences which includes the following areas:
Art History
Political Science
We have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a work order.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.If there are problems you must let us know no later than end of business on May 3rd. You can contact us at .
Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.The actual cutover to the new mail system is tentatively scheduled for May 10th. Prior to the May 10th, all of the existing mail will be copied from your existing mailbox to your new Rutgers Connect mailbox. On May 10th new mail will begin arrive in the new system and another sync will occur to catch any messages that were missed between the first copy and the cutover. IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications. -
CRITICAL: Group 6 Department Email Migration Scheduled
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for the second group of users in the School of Arts and Sciences which includes the following areas:
Psychology (
Religion ( have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a work order.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.If there are problems you must let us know no later than end of business on May 26th. You can contact us at .
Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.The actual cutover to the new mail system is tentatively scheduled for June 5th. Prior to June 5th, all of the existing mail will be copied from your existing mailbox to your new Rutgers Connect mailbox. On June 5th, new mail will begin arrive in the new system and another sync will occur to catch any messages that were missed between the first copy and the cutover. IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications. -
CRITICAL: Group 7 Department Email Migration Scheduled
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for the second group of users in the School of Arts and Sciences which includes the following areas:
Asian Languages & Cultures
StatisticsWe have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a work order.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.If there are problems you must let us know no later than end of business on 6/9. You can contact us at .
Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.The actual cutover to the new mail system is tentatively scheduled for 6/19. Prior to that date, all of the existing mail will be copied from your existing mailbox to your new Rutgers Connect mailbox. On 6/19, new mail will begin arrive in the new system and another sync will occur to catch any messages that were missed between the first copy and the cutover. IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications.Thank you.
- Tom
CRITICAL: Group 7 users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
Email accounts for users in Migration Group 7 have now been created in Rutgers Connect so it's time for everyone to make sure they can login.
Please test logging in to Rutgers Connect using the following page:
Your username will your Your_NetID@Your_Domain. This may differ from your e-mail address so be careful to use Your_NetID@Your_Domain.
Your_Domain will be one of the following:
Anthropology (
Asian Languages & Cultures (
Sociology (
Statistics (
So, for example, user Jane Smith in Anthropology who has NetID js123 would login with . If you are unsure of what your domain should be, please submit a work order and someone will assist you.
Your password will be your NetID password.
The first time you login you will be asked to choose your default Time Zone. Please do so.
If you are unable to login please email or submit a work order.
Checking to make sure your login works now will allow us to resolve any issues in advance of the cutover and will allow us to solve other issues more quickly on 6/21.
If you would like to test mobile access you can also configure your phone using the documentation here:
If you choose to test mobile access be aware that you will be required to agree to a mobile management policy. This policy is required for all users of Rutgers Connect and has only two requirements. The first is that your phone must have some type of lock, whether that be a PIN, swipe, fingerprint, etc. Second, is the ability for Rutgers Connect to remote wipe your device. A remote wipe on the device will only be performed on user request.
Depending on the phone, operating system and vendor, you may have to install an app on your phone to allow the mobile management policy to work. When installing this app, it will list everything that the app is able to do, not what Rutgers Connect is configured to do. Regardless of what the app says, only the two policies above will be active.
If you do not wish to agree to a mobile management policy on your device, you can use Rutgers Connect using your devices web browser. The system has a very capable mobile management interface.
Please do not do anything else in the new account at this time. The accounts are not set to receive mail so you cannot test them beyond making sure you can login.
We have begun copying mail so please don't make any changes to your existing mailbox folder names or structure from this point forward. You can continue to file, delete and send messages as you always have until the actual cutover.
The actual cutover will take place on 6/21. When you check your mail on 6/21, you'll need to either login using the method specified above or reconfigure your mail client using the instructions that can be found here:
IT staff will be available both locally and remotely to assist users with any issues that might arise. Administrative staff Windows workstations that use Novell will have an icon that will reconfigure the system for you.
Once the cutover takes place, the ability to send and receive messages on the old mail server will be disabled. The mail server will remain online so you can view the mail that is there.
If you are interested in attending in-person training on the new system please sign up using the information below:June 20, 2017, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Rutgers Connect Information Session for SAS Departments
Rutgers Academic Building Room 1180 (East Building):
Rutgers Academic Building
RSVP at:
You can also view the online training materials using the following links:
Overall -
Mail -
Calendaring -
Thanks- Tom
Thomas J. Vosseler
Executive Director of Information Technology
School of Arts and Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Scott Hall 226A | 43 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 -
CRITICAL: Group 8 Department Email Migration Scheduled
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for the second group of users in the School of Arts and Sciences which includes the following areas:
American Studies (
Cognitive Sciences (
Comparative Literature (
Jewish Studies (
Kinesiology & Health (
Philosophy (
Spanish and Portuguese (
Thomas Edison Papers (
CCA ( have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a work order.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.If there are problems you must let us know no later than end of business on 6/29. You can contact us at
Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.The actual cutover to the new mail system is tentatively scheduled for 7/10 . Prior to the 7/10 , all of the existing mail will be copied from your existing mailbox to your new Rutgers Connect mailbox. On 7/10 , new mail will begin arrive in the new system and another sync will occur to catch any messages that were missed between the first copy and the cutover. IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications.Thank you.
- Tom -
CRITICAL: Group 8 users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
Email accounts for users in Migration Group 8 have now been created in Rutgers Connect so it's time for everyone to make sure they can login.
Please test logging in to Rutgers Connect using the following page:
Your username will your Your_NetID@Your_Domain. This may differ from your e-mail address so be careful to use Your_NetID@Your_Domain.
Your_Domain will be one of the following:
American Studies (
Cognitive Sciences (
Comparative Literature (
Jewish Studies (
Kinesiology & Health (
Philosophy (
Spanish and Portuguese (
Thomas Edison Papers (
CCA (, for example, user Jane Smith in AMESALL who has NetID js123 would login with . If you are unsure of what your domain should be, please submit a work order and someone will assist you.
Your password will be your NetID password.
The first time you login you will be asked to choose your default Time Zone. Please do so.
If you are unable to login please email or submit a work order.
Checking to make sure your login works now will allow us to resolve any issues in advance of the cutover and will allow us to solve other issues more quickly on 7/10.
If you would like to test mobile access you can also configure your phone using the documentation here: you choose to test mobile access be aware that you will be required to agree to a mobile management policy. This policy is required for all users of Rutgers Connect and has only two requirements. The first is that your phone must have some type of lock, whether that be a PIN, swipe, fingerprint, etc. Second, is the ability for Rutgers Connect to remote wipe your device. A remote wipe on the device will only be performed on user request.
Depending on the phone, operating system and vendor, you may have to install an app on your phone to allow the mobile management policy to work. When installing this app, it will list everything that the app is able to do, not what Rutgers Connect is configured to do. Regardless of what the app says, only the two policies above will be active.
If you do not wish to agree to a mobile management policy on your device, you can use Rutgers Connect using your devices web browser. The system has a very capable mobile management interface.
Please do not do anything else in the new account at this time. The accounts are not set to receive mail so you cannot test them beyond making sure you can login.
We have begun copying mail so please don't make any changes to your existing mailbox folder names or structure from this point forward. You can continue to file, delete and send messages as you always have until the actual cutover.
The actual cutover will take place on 7/10. When you check your mail on 7/10, you'll need to either login using the method specified above or reconfigure your mail client using the instructions that can be found here:
IT staff will be available both locally and remotely to assist users with any issues that might arise. Administrative staff Windows workstations that use Novell will have an icon that will reconfigure the system for you.
Once the cutover takes place, the ability to send and receive messages on the old mail server will be disabled. The mail server will remain online so you can view the mail that is there.
If you are unable to attend the training that has been announced you can also view the online training materials using the following links:
Overall -
Mail -
Calendaring -
- Tom
CRITICAL: Mail Cutover Tomorrow Morning 8/17
Tuesday 8/16/2016 - CRITICAL: Mail Cutover Tomorrow Morning 8/17
We anticipate that mail cutover will occur as scheduled tomorrow morning. This means that early tomorrow morning all mail sent to addresses will be forwarded into Rutgers Connect. You will still be able to read mail on the Physics mail server but no new e-mail will be delivered to the old system.
Once the forwarding has been setup, another mail copy will be initiated to copy over any mail that was received between the completion of the first sync and the cutover. This means that you may see a few new messages in your old inbox that are not yet in your new one. These messages will be transferred as the second sync process completes.
In order to access the new mail on your system immediately you can use Outlook Web Access:
Remember to login with as your username and your NetID password.
Instructions to reconfigure your mail client can be found here:
* Note: When connecting mobile devices (e.g. Android or IOS) you will be required to accept a mobile management policy. This policy mandates that you have some type of password or swipe code on your device and makes it possible to erase your device (but only when you request it). This is to protect Rutgers information that is stored on your phone. If you do not wish to agree to the mobile management policy you can use in your device's mobile web browser to access Rutgers Connect mail on your device.
If you need assistance setting up your computer or mobile devices I will have additional staff in the department tomorrow morning to assist everyone. If you are not on campus, please submit a work order or send email to and someone will be in touch to help you remotely.
Mail Forwarding outside of Rutgers Connect
I've received a number of requests about setting up forwarding to outside addresses so I wanted to restate that this isn't permitted on Rutgers Connect. Rutgers policy requires the use of Rutgers Connect so automatic forwarding to addresses outside of the system has been disabled.
I have also had several people ask me and other IT staff for assistance setting up ways around this forwarding restriction. Setting up any mechanism to automatically transfer mail to another system is also a violation of Rutgers policy, as a result staff are not permitted to assist or advise regarding these types of setups.
The currently published policy provision that governs the use of outside systems is in section 70.1.1-B.4 ( Additionally, there is an already approved and soon to be published update to the Acceptable Use Policy that will further define this requirement.
Checking Your Email
Please take some time check your mail in Rutgers Connect. You should make sure that you see all your messages in your inbox and all your mail folders. You should also check to confirm that you have access to all the shared mailboxes that you had access to before. If you think anything is missing, please let us know as soon as possible by sending e-mail or submitting a work order (links below).
The old e-mail server will remain online for a few weeks to allow you to check the data in the old system against what you're seeing in the new system but it is important that you perform this verification as soon as possible. You can use the old physics webmail client to view your old mail (
If you have trouble accessing your mail on the new system please e-mail or submit a work order.
Thank you
- Tom -
CRITICAL: Math Cutover Complete
Wednesday 8/1/2016 - Math Cutover Complete
This is the last message that will be delivered to the old e-mail server. All future communications will be sent to the new Rutgers Connect or Scarlet Mail systems. After sending this message, automatic forwards will be setup on the old Math server to direct mail to the new e-mail system. Forwards from other addresses at Rutgers will also be changed shortly.
Rutgers Connect
Those moved to Rutgers Connect can access their e-mail using the following link:
Remember to login with as your username and your NetID password.
Instructions to reconfigure your mail client can be found here:*Note: When connecting mobile devices (e.g. Android or IOS) you will be required to accept a mobile management policy. This policy mandates that you have some type of password or swipe code on your device and makes it possible to erase your device (but only when you request it). This is to protect Rutgers information that is stored on your phone. If you do not wish to agree to the mobile management policy you can use in your device's mobile web browser to access Rutgers Connect mail on your device.
Scarlet Mail
If you moved to Scarlet Mail you can login using
Remember to login with as your username and your NetID password.
Instructions to reconfigure your mail client can be found here:
* Note: If you have not done so already, users who moved to Scarlet Mail users must contact support for assistance in moving their old mail.
Final Mail Copy
Most mail has been copied to your account but another copy will take place today. This final copy will bring over the last few messages that might have arrived between when the copy completed on your mailbox and when we actually pointed all your mail to Rutgers Connect.
Checking Your Email
Please take some time check your mail in Rutgers Connect. You should make sure that you see all your messages in your inbox and all your mail folders. You should also check to confirm that you have access to all the shared mailboxes that you had access to before. If you think anything is missing, please let us know as soon as possible by sending e-mail or submitting a REQUEST (links below).
The old e-mail server will remain online for a few weeks to allow you to check the data in the old system against what you're seeing in the new system but it is important that you perform this verification as soon as possible. You can use the old math webmail client to view your old mail (
If you have trouble accessing your mail on the new system please e-mail or submit a REQUEST.
Thank you
- Tom -
CRITICAL: Math users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
Wednesday 7/27/2016 -Math users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
Email accounts for users in Math have now been created in Rutgers Connect so it's time for everyone to make sure they can login.
If you haven't changed your NetID password since January 15th, you will need to change that password immediately. If you need to change your NetID password, it will take approximately 15 minutes for the password change to sync to Rutgers Connect because this is the first time the password is being saved in the new system. In the future, the sync will be virtually instantaneous. You can change your NetID password using the following page:
Please test logging in to Rutgers Connect using the following page:
Your username will your .
This may differ from your e-mail address so be careful to use .So, for example, user Jane Smith, with NetID js193 and email address
would login with .Your password will be your NetID password.
The first time you login you will be asked to choose your default Time Zone. Please do so.
If you are unable to login please email or submit a work order.
Checking to make sure your login works now will allow us to resolve any issues in advance of the cutover and will allow us to solve other issues more quickly on August 1st.
*Please _do not_ do anything else in this account at this time. The accounts are not set to receive mail so you cannot test them beyond making sure you can login.
We are on schedule to start copying mail from the current server on the 29th so please don't make any changes to your existing mailbox folders after tomorrow. You can continue to file, delete and send messages as you always have until the
actual cutover.The actual cutover will take place on August 1st. When you check your mail on August 1st, you'll need to either login using the method specified above or reconfigure your mail client using the instructions that can be found here:
IT staff will be available both locally and remotely to assist users with any issues that might arise. Administrative staff Windows workstations that use Novell will have an icon that will reconfigure the system for you.
Once the cutover takes place, the ability to send and receive messages on the old mail server will be disabled. The mail server will remain online so you can view the mail that is there.
If you are interested in attending training, the first training session will be held in tomorrow, 7/28 at 1:30 pm in Hill Center Room 105. You can also view the online training materials using the following links:
Overall -
Mail -
Calendaring -
- Tom--
Thomas J. Vosseler
Executive Director of Information Technology
School of Arts and Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Scott Hall 226A | 43 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 -
CRITICAL: Physics Department Email Migration Scheduled
Wednesday 8/1/2016 -Physics Department Email Migration Scheduled
Note: You may receive multiple copies of this message because we are sending it to every e-mail address we have on file for every user to make sure everyone receives the message.
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process in Physics. We have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a REQUEST.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.
If there are problems you must let us knowno later than August 5th. You can contact us at .
Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.
We are tentatively scheduled to start the first phase of the migration on August 13th. This will include the initial copy of all mail that is over 30 days old in your account. You will still be able to use your account but you'll need to refrain from renaming, moving or deleting any folders until you've been moved to Rutgers Connect. You can continue to perform any actions you wish on individual messages.
The second phase, which includes the final cutover, is scheduled for August 17th. This is when all mail that wasn't copied in the first phase will be copied and all new mail will be delivered to Rutgers Connect. We expect that the migration will proceed smoothly as this has been the case in the other areas that have already migrated. If anyone does experience problems, IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications.
Thank you.
- Tom -
CRITICAL: Physics users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
Tuesday 8/9/2016 - Physics users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
Email accounts for users in Physics have now been created in Rutgers Connect so it's time for everyone to make sure they can login.
If you haven't changed your NetID password since January 15th, you will need to change that password immediately. If you need to change your NetID password, it will take approximately 15 minutes for the password change to sync to Rutgers Connect because this is the first time the password is being saved in the new system. In the future, the sync will be virtually instantaneous. You can change your NetID password using the following page:
Please test logging in to Rutgers Connect using the following page:
Your username will your . This may differ from your e-mail address so be careful to use .
So, for example, user Jane Smith, with NetID js193 and email address would login with .
Your password will be your NetID password.
The first time you login you will be asked to choose your default Time Zone. Please do so.
If you are unable to login please email or submit a work order.
Checking to make sure your login works now will allow us to resolve any issues in advance of the cutover and will allow us to solve other issues more quickly on August 17th.
If you would like to test mobile access you can also configure your phone using the documentation here: you choose to test mobile access be aware that you will be required to agree to a mobile management policy. This policy is required for all users of Rutgers Connect and has only two requirements. The first is that your phone must have some type of lock, whether that be a PIN, swipe, fingerprint, etc. Second, is the ability for Rutgers Connect to remote wipe your device. A remote wipe on the device will only be performed on user request.
Depending on the phone, operating system and vendor, you may have to install an app on your phone to allow the mobile management policy to work. When installing this app, it will list everything that the app is able to do, not what Rutgers Connect is configured to do. Regardless of what the app says, only the two policies above will be active.
If you do not wish to agree to a mobile management policy on your device, you can use Rutgers Connect using your devices web browser. The system has a very capable mobile management interface.
*Please _do not_ do anything else in the new account at this time. The accounts are not set to receive mail so you cannot test them beyond making sure you can login.
We are on schedule to start copying mail from the current server on the 13th so please don't make any changes to your existing mailbox folder names or structure starting on that date. You can continue to file, delete and send messages as you always have until the actual cutover.The actual cutover will take place on August 17th. When you check your mail on August 17th, you'll need to either login using the method specified above or reconfigure your mail client using the instructions that can be found here:
IT staff will be available both locally and remotely to assist users with any issues that might arise. Administrative staff Windows workstations that use Novell will have an icon that will reconfigure the system for you.
Once the cutover takes place, the ability to send and receive messages on the old mail server will be disabled. The mail server will remain online so you can view the mail that is there.
If you are interested in attending training, an announcement about in person training will be sent soon. You can also view the online training materials using the following links:
Overall -
Mail -
Calendaring -
- Tom -
CRITICAL: SAS Dean's Office Department Email Migration Scheduled
Tuesday, 11/29/2016 - SAS Dean's Office Department Email Migration Scheduled
Note: You may receive multiple copies of this message because we are sending it to every e-mail address we have on file for every user to make sure everyone receives the message.We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process in Dean's Office. We have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
(Note: While no one should be using old addresses like @fas any longer, these addresses will continue to work.)
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a work order.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.
If there are problems you must let us know no later than end of business on December 2nd.
You can contact us at .Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.
The actual cutover to the new mail system is tentatively scheduled for December 12th. Prior to the 12th, all of the existing mail will be copied from your existing mailbox to your new Rutgers Connect mailbox. On the 12th, new mail will begin arrive in the new system and another sync will occur to catch any messages that were missed between the first copy and the cutover. IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications.
Thank you.
- Tom--
*Thomas J. Vosseler*
Executive Director of Information Technology
School of Arts and Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Scott Hall 226A | 43 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 -
CRITICAL: SAS Group 2 Department Email Migration Scheduled
Wednesday, 2/1/2017 - SAS Group 2 Department Email Migration Scheduled
Note: You may receive multiple copies of this message because we are sending it to every e-mail address we have on file for every user to make sure everyone receives the message.
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for the second group of users in the School of Arts and Sciences which includes the following departments:
Women's & Gender Studies
Women's Global Center
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Language Center
Criminal Justice
Inst of Research on Women
Latino and Caribbean Studies
African Studies Center
Africana StudiesWe have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a work order.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.
If there are problems you must let us know no later than end of business on February 8th. You can contact us at .
Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.
The actual cutover to the new mail system is tentatively scheduled for February 21st. Prior to the 21st, all of the existing mail will be copied from your existing mailbox to your new Rutgers Connect mailbox. On the 21st, new mail will begin arrive in the new system and another sync will occur to catch any messages that were missed between the first copy and the cutover. IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications.
Thank you.
- Tom--
Thomas J. Vosseler
Executive Director of Information Technology
School of Arts and Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Scott Hall 226A | 43 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 -
CRITICAL: SAS Group 2 users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
Tuesday, 2/28/2017 - SAS Group 2 users please test your login to Rutgers Connect
Email accounts for users in Migration Group 2 have now been created in Rutgers Connect so it's time for everyone to make sure they can login.
Please test logging into Rutgers Connect using the following page:
Your username will your Your_NetID@Your_Domain. This may differ from your e-mail address so be careful to use Your_NetID@Your_Domain.
Your_Domain will be one of the following:
So, for example, user Jane Smith in Africana Studies who has NetID js123 would login with . If you are unsure of what your domain should be, please submit a work order and someone will assist you.
If your domain is or then you should login using .
Your password will be your NetID password.
The first time you login you will be asked to choose your default Time Zone. Please do so.
If you are unable to login please email or submit a work order.
Checking to make sure your login works now will allow us to resolve any issues in advance of the cutover and will allow us to solve other issues more quickly on March 6th.
If you would like to test mobile access you can also configure your phone using the documentation here:
If you choose to test mobile access be aware that you will be required to agree to a mobile management policy. This policy is required for all users of Rutgers Connect and has only two requirements. The first is that your phone must have some type of lock, whether that be a PIN, swipe, fingerprint, etc. Second, is the ability for Rutgers Connect to remote wipe your device. A remote wipe on the device will only be performed on user request.
Depending on the phone, operating system and vendor, you may have to install an app on your phone to allow the mobile management policy to work. When installing this app, it will list everything that the app is able to do, not what Rutgers Connect is configured to do. Regardless of what the app says, only the two policies above will be active.
If you do not wish to agree to a mobile management policy on your device, you can use Rutgers Connect using your devices web browser. The system has a very capable mobile management interface.
Please do not do anything elsein the new account at this time. The accounts are not set to receive mail so you cannot test them beyond making sure you canlogin.
We have begun copying mail so please don't make any changes to your existing mailbox folder names or structure from this point forward. You can continue to file, delete and send messages as you always have until the actual cutover.
The actual cutover will take place on March 6th. When you check your mail on March 6th, you'll need to either login using the method specified above or reconfigure your mail client using the instructions that can be found here:
IT staff will be available both locally and remotely to assist users with any issues that might arise. Administrative staff Windows workstations that use Novell will have an icon that will reconfigure the system for you.
Once the cutover takes place, the ability to send and receive messages on the old mail server will be disabled. The mail server will remain online so you can view the mail that is there.
If you are interested in attending training, an announcement about in person training will be sent soon. You can also view the online training materials using the following links:
Overall -
Mail -
Calendaring -
- Tom--
Thomas J. Vosseler
Executive Director of Information Technology
School of Arts and Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Scott Hall 226A | 43 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 -
CRITICAL: SAS Group 3 Department Email Migration Scheduled
We have entered the next phase of the e-mail migration process for the second group of users in the School of Arts and Sciences which includes the following departments:
German (GREELL)
Historical Analysis
Cinema Studies
Modern Greek Studies
Slavic Languages
We have completed the data collection process so we're now moving on to user verification.
The link below will allow you to login and review the actions that will be taken to migrate your mail to the new system. If you entered your information into the RUMigrated tool, this information should be accurate but you should still review it to make sure that everything is correct. While things can certainly be fixed later, the transition will go more smoothly if we have the correct information up front.
Please check your information using this link:
If you see any problems please e-mail or submit a work order.
If you did not use RUMigrated then it is especially important for you to use the link above and let us know if there are any problems because we were forced to make assumptions.
If there are problems you must let us know no later than end of business this Friday, March 31st. You can contact us at .
Moving to Rutgers Connect
Once your accounts have been created in the new system, we will contact you again and ask you to login. This will allow you to notify us of any problems and give us time to resolve any login issues well in advance of the actual switch.
The actual cutover to the new mail system is tentatively scheduled for April 9th. Prior to the 9th, all of the existing mail will be copied from your existing mailbox to your new Rutgers Connect mailbox. On the 9th, new mail will begin arrive in the new system and another sync will occur to catch any messages that were missed between the first copy and the cutover. IT staff will be available to help both on campus and through the use of remote support software for those off campus.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at .
More details will follow shortly. Please watch the SAS Rutgers Connect page for the most updated information and a copy of all official communications.
Thank you.
- Tom--
Thomas J. Vosseler
Executive Director of Information Technology
School of Arts and Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Scott Hall 226A | 43 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 -
Initial e-mail from SAS IT
Initial e-mail from SAS IT....
You should have received an e-mail from OIT yesterday (Tuesday 2/8) asking you to visit
This web page was developed to help gather information for the upcoming migration to Rutgers Connect, which is the name for the new Office 365 based e-mail and calendaring system. It is important that everyone visit this page and provide the requested information.This page will remain up throughout the process and you'll be able to return to it later to provide updated information if necessary. For now, it is important that you get your information in as soon as possible as it will help us with the planning process.
Rutgers has engaged the services of a vendor to assist us with the migration of approximately 30,000 e-mail accounts. That vendor will only be moving one mailbox per user so, if you have more than one account, other migrations will be handled by your local IT staff. The RUMigrated web page allows you to verify the information we have about your e-mail, specify which account is primary and provide us with any corrections or other information that you want us to know.
Please keep in mind that President has stated that all Rutgers faculty and staff business must be conducted through a single email system and that system is Rutgers Connect. If you are using non-Rutgers accounts (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, etc) for Rutgers business, you should provide that information as well and we'll help you move those messages.
We have created a new page on the SAS IT site where we will post updated, SAS specific, information about this process. You can access this page using the following link:
For information from OIT about the project, please see:
- TomThomas J. Vosseler -- Executive Director of Information Technology
School of Arts and Sciences --
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
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